Corporate Governance

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“the Company”) is pleased to present this statement …
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Board of Charter

The Board of Directors (“the Board”) of Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“the Company”) is fully committed towards ensuring …
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Gender Diversity Policy

Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“the Company”) recognises that gender diversity together with equitable representation at Board level…
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Fit and Proper Policy

The Directors’ Fit and Proper Policy (“Policy”) of Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“CPB” or “the Company”) and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) …
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Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy

Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“the Company”) and its subsidiaries (“the Group”) are committed to ethical, transparent and responsible …

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Code of Conduct & Business Ethics

CARIMIN Group is committed to establish a corporate culture that propagates ethical conduct throughout its business operations…

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Remuneration Policy

This Remuneration Policy (“the Policy”) sets out the criteria to be used in recommending the remuneration of Directors and/or Senior Management …

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Corporate Disclosure Policy

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of Carimin Petroleum Berhad (“the Company”) is committed to provide effective communication to …

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Code of Conduct & Business Ethics

CARIMIN Group is committed to establish a corporate culture that propagates ethical conduct throughout its business operations…

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Risk Management Policy & Framework

Company recognizes that management of risks is one of the essential components of excellent corporate governance. For continued growth and success…

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Insider Trading Policy

Company is committed to comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to securities, in particular, prohibiting the buying or selling…
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Anti-Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorism Financing Policy

This policy covers money laundering (ML) and terrorism financing (TF) including its definition, how it may occur…
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